Vancouver-based Big Bad Boo Studios is sending its animated series 1001 Nights to Vme Kids, a Spanish-language network in the US, starting in December.
The toon has already been picked up in more than 120 countries and 15 languages worldwide by broadcasters like Cartoon Network, CBC, Disney Channel, Al Jazeera Children’s Channel, PBS and more.
Targeted at six- to nine years-olds, the series is based on the original Middle Eastern folk tales by various authors. There are different versions throughout the world but the most common include the story of a ruler and his wife when she begins to tell him a story that goes on for 1001 nights. It is accompanied by an educational curriculum for schools and refugee camps through a partnership with UNICEF. The brand includes comic books as well as licensing and merchandising in multiple territories.
Big Bad Boo is currently in production on the third season. Recently the studio has been branching out with other projects working with CBC Kids to develop Judge Jodhi and producing a second season of Lili & Lola for its bilingual VOD service Oznoz.