“The Bravest Knight” – Sea¬son 2, Part 1
Published: 12/08/2024

Be brave, be bold and adven­ture forth. “The Bravest Knight” returns for its second sea­son, with brand­new epis­odes premier­ing on Hulu this Fri­day, Dec. 13. From cre­ator Daniel Errico (“Ros­aline,” 2016), this fam­ily-friendly anim­ated series delves into the tales told by a father to his young daugh­ter. Once a pump­kin farmer, Cedric explains how he became the world’s greatest night to 10-year-old Nia, using his own tri­als, tribu­la­tions and tri­umphs to teach Nia (a “not-yet-knight”) that knight­hood is about far more than just slay­ing dragons — it’s about cour­age, accept­ance, under­stand­ing and adven­ture. Pro­duced by Big Bad Boo Stu­dios, this Hulu ori­ginal chil­dren’s series fea­tures the voice act­ing tal­ents of T.R. Knight (“The Flight Attend­ant”) as adult Cedric, Bobby Moyni­han (“Sat­urday Night Live”) as Grunt, Mil­lie Davis (“Galapa­gos X”) as Nia, Wilson Cruz (“Star Trek: Dis­cov­ery”) as Prince Andrew, Nia’s other father, and more, includ­ing some new­comers for Sea­son 2: Jane Lynch (“Glee”) as Lug Lug, the veget­arian ogre; and Alan Cum­ming (“The Tiny Chef Show”), who voices the schem­ing Sher­iff Regin­ald.